Recipe: Chicken Chile Lime Tacos
11:28 AM
1/2 (2 patties) package of Trader Joe's Chile Lime Chicken Burgers ($3.49/box)
1/2 (1 package) package of Trader Joe's Avocado's Number Guacamole ($3.99/box)
4 TBSP of Trader Joe's Corn and Chile Salsa ($2.49/jar)
4 tortillas of Trader Joe's Corn & Wheat Tortillas ($1.99/pack)
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1. Heat up the Chile Lime Chicken Burgers in an oven or grill per the instructions on the box. I did not defrost mine before preparing, so I heated each side of the patty for 10-12 minutes on a Nuwave oven.
2. After the chicken burgers are done, cut into tiny pieces.
3. Heat up as many tortillas as you need. I heated them up for 2 minutes in the Nuwave oven to make sure they were warm and slightly crispy.
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4. Put your cut up chicken burgers onto the tortilla.
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5. Put 2 TSBP (or more - it's completely up to you!) of the corn chile salsa onto the taco.
6. Put as much guacamole as you would like onto the tortilla.
7. Add some tortilla chips as a side. I have Trader Joe's Baked Blue Corn Tortilla chips as a healthy alternative.
8. Pat yourself on the back! You have Chicken Chile Lime Tacos! Now, enjoy.
For under $12 (pre-tax), you can make as many as 8 tacos to feed the whole family!
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Optional: You can also add black beans, cilantro, and chopped onions to your taco. I think it would definitely make the taco better. I personally forgot to add them in my eagerness to devour my taco. :)
I mentioned in a previous post how much I love the Corn & Chile salsa. But TJ's guacamole deserves a mention of its own!
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This was my first time eating TJ's guacamole (that was not the non-fat kind), and I have to say that I am very impressed. At $3.99 for 2 packages, it's a great deal for great tasting guacamole. According to TJ's ingredients, most of it is from whole avocados! Previously, my favorite guacamole was Chipotle's. TJ's definitely holds its own against Chipotle's. But don't let me tell you - you should try it for yourself!
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Let me know if you decide to try this recipe and if you like it!
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Have a great weekend, everybody!