Review: Protein Power Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins

6:00 PM

Trader Joe's Protein Power Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins are delicious and the perfect post-workout snack! With 7 grams of protein, they are surprisingly filling for me (but maybe not for you 6 feet tall, 200 lb fellas out there). You can pop them into your gym bag to eat after a strenuous workout, or even as part of your breakfast.

For those of you who are not used to eating/drinking protein, it might taste a little "chalky", but that particular taste does not bother me.

At only $2.99* (*Ounces, price and availability may vary by region. Currently Trader Joe's Protein Power Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins are available only in their East Coast, Midwest, Southeast, Northwest and Northern California stores.) for a 6-pack, it's certainly worth trying!


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